"The beginner’s program to release negative emotions, learn the art of meditation and find your real and authentic Self, with just 11 minutes of practice per day (like hundreds of thousands of students around the globe)."


Just 11 minutes of meditation to develop a powerful mind under your control.

For example, suppose that tomorrow you want to easily double your energy to win a challenging day and go trough it like you were floating, or feel relaxed and grounded in some situation that normally put you in a state of tension and stress.....

It’ easy. Here is what you have to do: take your phone (or tablet), choose the meditation you need the most, sit quietly on your mat, or even a chair, put your headphones, let be guided form the step by step instructions and, after eleven minutes, rest few seconds, stretch a little bit and drink a glass of water. Done!

Your entire system is set to serve you for the next 24 hours to be more present, relaxed and intuitive.

This is just the beginning, you can do the same process if you want to release some negative emotion like fear, sadness, anxiety or even if you want to rejuvenate your metabolism and let your face shine of a new light to the point that the first person that meet you is forced ask you “What is your secret?”


Dear Friend, my name is Ram Rattan Singh, I’m Medical Doctor, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Teacher’s Trainer and Yoga Therapist. In the last 21 years I have helped thousands of students of every school of yoga to learn how correctly practice Kundalini Yoga and meditation and how to improve their health and vitality.

I have just released my new online program for beginners (the first in English) called “The 11 Minutes Yogi” where you can finally learn to release negative emotions, how to meditate correctly and connect with your loving and powerful Self, without being overwhelmed by lot of informations and long hours of practice even if your are a total beginner.

How it is possible?

Let’s talk straight, a big mistake that many yoga students (and even teachers) make is to fail in the creation of a steady and regular daily practice. They try something one day, something another, nothing for a week, and so on. So they are very likely to end up having tried a lot of things but learned nothing. This is very common especially today where we are exposed to so much informations.

But if you really want to permanently break the loop of stress and tension and make tangible progress in the areas of your life that you care the most, in few weeks or months, without being overwhelmed with tons of informations, the very first thing to do is to build a steady daily practice of 3-11 minutes of meditation.

Why does it work so well?

Answer it’s easy

According to the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga, your mental and physical energy improves by quantum leaps of practice. The first improvement in your blood and in your magnetic field happens after just 3 minutes of practice, the next after 11th minute, and then 22, 31, 62 and even 2 Hours and an half.

Why 11 minutes work so well?

Because is the minimum time required to create effects stable enough to last for 24 hours; an entire day cycle. With 11 minutes of correct practice your nervous and endocrine systems come to a new balance stable enough to create a stronger mind and healthier physiology for an entire day!

Modern science confirms that the neurons (the cells of the brain) are very receptive in creating new connections and constructive patterns in few weeks even meditating just one minute each hour.


To make it short, the trick is to follow this process:

Step 1: Sit comfortably in a clam place

Step 2: Meditate for 3 to eleven minutes following our instructions

Step 3: Close the class and rest for a moment 

Step 4: Enjoy

Here is what to do

To be honest, it is not that I have found the “Magic Pill”, but I gained enough experience to help students release negative emotions and build a regular practice, without informations overwhelming with an easy to follow program....

This is what you are going to learn AND EXPERIENCE in detail with “The 11 Minutes Yogi” program

It is the result of an amazing work of synthesis and super simplification. Inside you will find, extremely condensed, 22 years of professional teaching, 15 of private consultations and 27 year of obsessive study and research and the best tricks and shortcuts that I have learned along the way (that many pro teachers ignore), with step by step instructions about what to do and not to do in order to reach fast and lasting results.


What you will learn in The 11 Minutes Yogi Program

The program is divided in 2 Parts (the contents are released monthly)

(First Part) Practical Know How 

  • The first secret to effortlessly build a successful and solid daily practice; Meditation to eliminate negative thoughts 
  • The 2 questions you have to absolutely ask yourself before to start a meditation and make it effective; Meditation to look inside and find clarity
  • The lesson about meditation I would like to learn 25 years ago; if I would start today.....; Meditation to develop the frontal lobes of the brain
  • The 3 things you have to do everyday to stay “in the Flow”; Bonus and surprise meditations
  • The biggest time loss for a yogi... and how to avoid it; Meditation to strengthen the nervous system (and develop the six the sense)
  • The daily schedule (and formula) to create a balanced and complete yoga practice (It works with any type of Yoga); Meditation to experience extasy

(Second Part) The Possible Human in You

  • The ancient map to understand and express the “Possible Human”; the Genius in you; Meditation to find the Original You
  • The ancient yogic system to improve your relationships; Meditation to double the impact of your communication
  • The 10 rules of prosperity in the Aquarian Age; Meditation to attract Prosperity
  • The best way to rejuvenate your body with meditation; Meditation for rejuvenation 
  • How to create an healthier body with meditation; Meditation to increase the self healing power
  • 3 Ways to improve your vitality; Meditation to double your stamina in 11 minutes

All the meditations and trainings come from the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga as thought by Yogi Bhajan

The good new is that you do not have to give your blood to have it all, you can enjoy the launch price of this project of only

$29.00 $7 Per Month!


Why only 7$ for all of this?

Good question. The truth is that I should ask a lot more but…..

1- It is our first international project and we need to test how students respond (and my English is not exactly that which is spoken at Buckingham Palace)

2- It allows me to get more feedbacks and testimonials that are going to increase the value of the program

3- To spread the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Humanology is the core of my mission, as my beloved Master Yogi Bhajan told me many years ago and it is my honour and privilege to help people to find the easiest way possible to practice them

Here’s What You Get As A Member

After joining the 11 Minutes Yogi program here’s what you get

  • One exclusive master class per month (11/15 Minutes) where I reveal the secrets, tools and strategy to grow, deepen and refine your meditative practice. The training are designed to be short and intense (according to the science of micro learning) so you can adsorb and grind the topics slowly, without being overwhelmed.
  • One exclusive video training of a new meditation every month that is going to give you the practical experience of what we learn in the master class. All the meditations are, obviously, of 3/11 Minutes
  • Instant  access to all the contents already published at the moment of your subscription
  • Access to the 11 Minutes Private Facebook Group 

Plus 2 bonuses!

Bonus #1 Forever Young Online Program; How to rejuvenate your body with Kundalini Yoga. It is an easy online course of Kundalini Yoga where you are going to learn an advanced approach to use KY to rejuvenate your metabolism, increase your endurance and build disease resistance.

Bonus #2 Anxiety Kit Program; How to release anxiety and nervous tension with 20 minutes of practice. It is our most successful beginners program in Italy (now available in English with its own bonuses!!!)

You can cancel anytime you want sending an email to [email protected]

What our Students have to say....

"I want to say an Immense Thank You, because since I practice those exercises, I face every day and every situation in a better way"... -Giacomo

"Those exercises give a lot of energy to my body and mind. Extraordinary!" -Danila

"Those exercises recharged fast my energy batteries, when I was feeling drained. The most beautiful thing is that happened after just 2 sessions" -Livio

"Thank you for these lectures, that I have already tried, and are great with instant results" -Chiara

"This meditation is helping me a lot. Thank you for this marvellous course!" - Maria

You wonā€™t be able to join this program at this unheard discount forever... So donā€™t let this opportunity pass you by....

Of course there is a Money Back Guarantee!

I want you to risk nothing the moment you join the program, so I give you a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee!

Here is how it works. If, for whatever reason you decide that this program is not for you, within 30 days form your subscription, send us an email to [email protected] and we will refund completely.

With that said you have nothing to lose

What are you waiting for?

With love

Ram Rattan Singh


P.S. remember that is a launch-offer and the price can change anytime. So don’t waist time and achieve the results that you deserve now. Victory is only a matter of focus!


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